Immagine: The NeoConservative Christian Right -

Un post interessante di in merito alla nostra incapacità di affrontare con coraggio la difficile situazione conseguente alla dichiarazione di guerra che i terroristi islamici hanno fatto all’Europa

I media occidentali hanno adottato un rigido sistema di autocensura che impedisce loro di ammettere che queste atrocità sono fatte nel nome dell’Islam. E’ un tabù imposto dalla sinistra terzomondista e radical chic

(…) Anyone with a thorough understanding of Islamic culture and religion could have predicted that, even without the 2015-16 flood of Muslim migrants, the steady flow of Muslim immigrants over the years would create a combustible situation. The amazing thing is that the consequences of this massive migration were never discussed – except in glowing terms. Just about the only thing allowed to be said about the migrants was that they would solve labor shortages, refill welfare coffers, and bring cultural enrichment to Europe.

That was the official line. Anyone who deviated from it could expect censure, possible job loss, or even a criminal trial. Say something negative about Muslim immigration on your Facebook page and you would be visited by police. Say it in public and you would receive a court summons. It didn’t matter if you were a famous writer (Oriana Fallaci), the President of the Danish Free Press Society (Lars Hedegaard), or a popular member of the Dutch Parliament (Geert Wilders). If you couldn’t say something nice about Islam, then you shouldn’t say anything at all. (…)

L’Islam invita alla critica. Dato il suo passato sanguinario (come pure il presente), sarebbe altamente irresponsabile non sottoporlo ad una analisi critica. Prima che sia troppo tardi, ed è suicida far finta che le cose siano altrimenti.

Our Responsibility to Criticize Islam


By Tappo68