Il predicatore (d’odio) islamico che ci disprezza ma che non riunincia ai soldi dei kuffar [non credenti]. Anzi vorrebbe che continuassimo a finanziare la sua lotta contro i miscredenti.

Arrestato qualche anno fa per aver incoraggiato il sostegno all’ISIS, è stato condannato a 5 anni di carcere. Ha scontato meno della metà della sua pena ed ora è già in libertà vigilata


Anjem Choudary applies for a £73-a-week benefits he once called ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’ following his prison release

The Islamic hate preacher, 51, wants to pocket tax-payers’ cash just days after he was released from Belmarsh Prison

(…) The ISIS-loving preacher continually poured out his hatred for the UK – but loved the benefits he was handed from the Treasury.

He was secretly filmed in 2013 mocking non-Muslims for working in 9-5 jobs their whole lives, and told followers that some revered Islamic figures had only ever worked one or two days a year.

“The rest of the year they were busy with jihad [holy war] and things like that,” he said. “People will say, ‘Ah, but you are not working’.

“But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar [non-believers]. So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance. You need to get support.”

Ridiculing the daily lives of Brit workers, Choudary said: “You find people are busy working the whole of their life. They wake up at 7 o’clock. They go to work at 9 o’clock.

“They work for eight, nine hours a day. They come home at 7 o’clock, watch EastEnders, sleep, and they do that for 40 years of their life. That is called slavery.”

He was freed last week and is now living just yards from a Jewish centre in London – despite his deep-seated hatred of Israel and its people.


By aidos